The Gathering Lighthouse is proud to present a unique experience that we felt drawn to create. Our limited summer series is rooted in the first word of our Mantra from our mission statement, Heal * Grow * Learn * Lead. We invite you to join us for these introspective sessions, mindfully created with the intention of deep healing.

Register Today!
$35 per class or $222 series package

Summer of Healing Series Raffle:
Each class purchase qualifies for one entry into a drawing for a free reading from either June Kortum or Michele Birk.

2 winners will be selected on the
night of the 27th!
The winners do not need to be present to qualify.

Buy the $222 Package by clicking the button below!

Summer Series Schedule

Reiki Infused Meditation & Opening Ceremony

July 9 · 7:00-9:00 pm
Reiki Masters: Lois Krueger, Lois Mestan, & Joanne Sarantos
Hypnotherapist: Avani Patel

Please join us for a truly unique reiki-infused experience. We begin this ceremony by creating a sacred space, setting intentions with a candle lighting, and using perfectly curated essential oils to raise your vibration. You will then be led into a guided Soul Cleanse meditation that takes you on a purifying journey through your entire being, all the way down to a cellular level. During this time, experienced Reiki Masters will work with your energy to release and clear these stagnant energies and toxic pathways, encouraging harmony and balance, and allowing space for profound transformation. We bring the session to a close with a reiki burning bowl ritual for release, leaving you renewed and reconnected to your true self.


Dragon Medicine Activation 

July 16 · 7:00-9:00 pm
Facilitator: Katy Carlson

An exclusive gathering for divine souls who are called to join in personal and collective healing.

This inspirational offering is a powerful yet gentle activation of your inner wise guide and your personal Dragon Spirit Guide. Dragons make awesome allies!

Be ready to dive deep into mystical healing. 

We will enjoy layered healing modalities to embody and integrate our highest selves. 

What's included:

-Open 4 corners 

-Enjoy a cherry blossom tea meditation 

-Alchemy Sound Bath 

-Yoga Nidra 

-Shamanic Journey to connect with your personal Dragon Spirit Guide 

-Dragon Reiki

-Sharing Circle of Expression 


Resiliency Tree Painting For Post-Traumatic Growth

July 23 · 7:00-9:00 pm
Facilitator: Shruthi Rao

  • Art is a powerful tool in uncovering the magic in our healing. Join us in creating your own personal tree of life.

  • This transformative process helps you uncover the challenges, steps, and supports in your recovery process.

  • The resiliency tree exercise is used in trauma healing and provides us with the skill of giving meaning to our experiences.

  • Give your inner child a beautiful way to express their story.


Soundbath & Vibrational Therapy

July 30 · 7:00-9:00 pm
Facilitator: Yuri Dobrowolsky

Meet Yuri, a dedicated facilitator of sound meditations and a Certified Transformational Recovery and Psycho-Spiritual Integration Coach with a 30-year background in commercial real estate construction management. Through his deep understanding of corporate culture and its potential for disconnection, Yuri creates a beautiful bridge of sound that can transport you into a world of calm and inner peace. Yuri's own journey of self-exploration led him to rediscover the profound impact of sound on his well-being, inspiring him to explore various holistic modalities. With a compassionate heart and expert guidance, Yuri offers immersive and transformative experiences for individuals seeking deeper self-knowing and personal growth. Join Yuri on a transformative journey toward inner peace, self-awareness, and deep connection.


From Forgiveness to Freedom

August 6 · 7:00-9:00 pm
Facilitator: Rose Reaves

  • Forgiveness is one of the hardest concepts for people to align with, mainly because in order to forgive you must first acknowledge the pain of what was done to you.  And letting go of the hurt may feel like you are letting go of the issue that brought the pain. 


  • You may feel it is easier to forget and let it go, but in order to do so you must first forgive their actions.  This does not mean you become friends with one another again, it means you get to let go of your pain, anger, and helplessness of what was done.  


  • If you are ready for change, and the freedom that occurs when you let go of hurting, please join us in this inspiring class where you will be guided to understand that discomfort starts with resistance from within.  You will learn techniques that will help you understand why you aligned with this discomfort in the first place.  And you will recognize that you have control over what you think and feel, which allows you to be open to attract the peace you so desire.


Transformative Tea Meditation

August 13 · 6:30-9:00 pm
Facilitator: Titi

  • Experience the process of tea making as a meditative transformation. Let this practice teach you how to turn something so mundane and simple into a beautiful and sacred ritual.

  • Discover how this practice can open the doors to truly embracing the beauties in simplicity and in life just by slowing down.

  • This practice is inspired by the Chinese tea ceremony, known as gong fu cha, and incorporates elements of Zen philosophy, Taoism, yogic philosophy, and Japanese tea culture, cha dao. Be prepared to sit for the majority of our practice. We will be tasting three separate, yet related, teas.


SOul Retrieval Shamanic Journey Ceremony

August 20 · 7:00-9:00 pm
Facilitator: Katy Carlson

A profound healing experience designed to restore wholeness and harmony to your life.

In this sacred ceremony, participants will embark on a guided shamanic journey to retrieve lost fragments of their soul. This ancient healing practice, led by an experienced shamanic practitioner, aims to reintegrate these soul pieces, restoring vitality, balance, and inner peace.

What to Expect:
- Opening Circle: We will begin with an opening circle to set intentions and create a safe, supportive space for the journey.
- Guided Shamanic Journey: I will lead you through a deep, meditative journey using rhythmic rattling and visualization techniques. During this journey, you will connect with your inner self and retrieve lost soul fragments.
- Integration: After the journey, there will be time for reflection and sharing. Our practitioner will guide you in integrating the retrieved soul fragments into your current life.
- Closing Ceremony: We will conclude with a closing ceremony to honor the experience and express gratitude for the healing received.

- Wear comfortable clothing suitable for meditation and relaxation.
- Bring a journal and pen to record your experiences and insights.
- Consider bringing a small item that holds personal significance to place on the altar during the ceremony.

Benefits of Soul Retrieval:
- Enhanced emotional and spiritual well-being
- Increased energy and vitality
- Greater clarity and purpose
- Deepened connection with your authentic self

This ceremony is open to all, regardless of previous shamanic experience. Come with an open heart and a willingness to explore the depths of your soul. I look forward to journeying with you and supporting your path to wholeness and healing.


Gallery Readings with June & Michele

August 27 · 7:00-9:00 pm
Facilitators: June Kortum & Michele Birk

Join us for a mesmerizing Summer Healing evening of mystical insights and spiritual connections at our Psychic and Medium Gallery Readings Event!

Renowned Psychic/ Mediums June and Michele will take the stage to perform gallery readings, offering personal messages and profound guidance from the spirit world.

Whether you seek answers, comfort, or simply an enchanting experience, this event promises to captivate and inspire.

Come with an open heart and leave with a deeper understanding of the unseen realms around us.

Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to connect with the beyond in a setting filled with magic and wonder.

Summer of Healing Series Raffle:
Each class purchase qualifies for one entry into a drawing for a free reading from either June Kortum or Michele Birk.

2 winners will be selected on the night of the 27th!
The winners do not need to be present to qualify.