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Our Conscious vs Sub-conscious Minds

  • The Gathering Lighthouse 26 N. Park Ave. Lombard, IL 60148 (map)

Hello Ladies,
In our next event, we will learn about our Conscious vs. Sub-conscious Minds.

There is so much noise about The Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Self Development, Positive Thinking, etc. They all sound wonderful, so simple, and most cases, easy to implement. Yet, most people struggle to apply what they know to create results in their lives. YOU might be one of them.

Why do you think that is?
You may have been working on yourself for years. You have studied and learned about universal laws. You have been following your favorite gurus, practicing what you learned, and trying to think positively. You have been devouring books, podcasts, and webinars to learn more and more ways to create a better life. Yet, you still struggle and can't seem to unleash your creative power fully. It feels like there is something more.
That something is "Your subconscious programming."
You may know everything there is to know about manifestation and the law of attraction. You may do everything right, but if your recorded program opposes what you are trying to create, none of it matters. And your life will be full of repetition and disappointment.
The Universal Laws work for everyone. They do not discriminate, but our beliefs about ourselves DO. What we believe subconsciously will determine what we allow or disallow, what works, and what does not. That is why understanding this topic alone may shift and change your life.

So, join me at our next event, and let's talk about the differences between our Conscious and Subconscious minds. We will talk about how they function, learn, and operate. We will talk about how and when our subconscious got programmed. We will do some exercises to discover some of our basic subconscious programs and see which ways they have been blocking our progress. Overwriting our existing beliefs is not easy, but certainly possible. We won't be overwriting your beliefs in this workshop, but you will leave the event knowing how to work on them.

As a bonus, I will also discuss our Super-conscious mind and compare it with our conscious and subconscious minds. We will discuss ways to tap into this infinite source and use it to create even more powerfully.
This will be an impactful workshop! You will gain awareness of some of your old beliefs and how they have impacted you. You will better understand your creative power and effectively start implementing what you already know about manifestation.
So, I look forward to seeing you and discussing this powerful topic. If you are interested, we will have our happy hour again afterward. It was so much fun last time. Hope to see you on the 29th.
Much love, Oksan