Since the dawn of time, humans have connected to their highest source and journeyed through the metaphysical realms to commune with the spirits for healing and guidance. This inner journey was held with the highest regard and those most skilled in this became revered members of their community. This type of practice was found in every culture on every continent.
It is our birthright to connect with this most ancient wisdom. Unfortunately, we have been cut off from our source for so long, most of our ancient cultural wisdom has been lost. As Americans, we do not have access to our ancient traditions of heritage. We can however create new traditions and practices based on what we know from other traditions as well as connecting directly to the Spirit realms, creating our own form of practice.
Join us for a series of three classes designed to introduce the principles of Shamanism and teach practical methods for applying this to your life. It is highly recommended that you attend the first class as a prerequisite to the other 2.
February 28 – Creating Sacred Space – The basics of establishing a safe psychic space for journeys and rituals
March 28 – Journeying – How to navigate the 3 realms and why we do this
April 25 – Allies in the Natural World – Connecting with Spirit Helpers, Nature and the Stars
Class facilitated by Karen Tlusty