Join us for a Gathering of Gratitude for the Gathering Lighthouse and for You too!
You are an amazing part of the Gathering Lighthouse Community and we want you to fill up your own cup so you can be, do, have, give, create and express all that brings Joy to your Heart and Soul. Your friends and family are important to you so bring them along!
We are having a Fundraising Event for the Gathering Lighthouse to show our appreciation for all that June, and the Gathering Lighthouse does to assist individuals, groups and the community to align with and be the full expression of who they are. You are an important part of the Gathering Lighthouse and we want to show our Gratitude to you too by nurturing you for the afternoon.
Tickets are $50.00 and each ticket offers you your choice of 5 Services to experience that afternoon. Sessions are 15 minutes in length, and you can mix and match from Energy Healing, Reiki, Chakra balancing, Body Code/Emotion Code, Pranic Healings as well as Intuitive Readings, Astrology, Tarot, Channeling, Akashic Records & Psychic Mediumship
We are looking forward to a fun, rejuvenating and transformational afternoon with you!