Special Guest Speaker-Radio Host and more Bob Trzeciak. Bob has had a deep interest in the paranormal for most of his life growing up with the stories of local haunts in addition to running to running paranormal related tours with some of the local park districts he also give lecture at events and libraries around the area.
HELLO very excited to announce that I will be coming back TO GIVE A PRESENTATION ON THE Egyptian Book of the Dead its a fascinating literary work and for the Egyptians it was your guide to the next life always like doing this presentation.
Also on July 17th Paranormal Radio will be broadcasting from The Gathering Lighthouse its a taped broadcast and will be heard on the windy city network at www.windycityhometown.com also on you tube and a day or so after the taping on JACK FM 89.7 so stop by and be a part of the show have some fun things planned for that night say a few words and then listen to yourself on the radio. Hope to see you at these events thanks for supporting The Gathering Lighthouse and listening to Paranormal Radio Bob