Everything in the universe is made of vibrations. By taking the time to surround your body in sound vibrations you can restore vital energy that is depleted during daily activities. By listening deeply you can
Quiet the mind
Clean and clear your light body
Revitalize the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies
Remove blocks and patterns that now longer serve you
Create a time for listening to internal guidance
Honor the commitment of self care and self love
Join us for a unique sound meditation that combines gong, Native American flute, Tibetan bowls and other instruments to create a heightened meditation space. Planetary influences are honored as the rhythms of the universe are celebrated.
Please bring a yoga mat, blanket, pillow or anything else you may need to lie still on the floor for an hour. Seating is available but lying down is the most effective position to work with the energy of the gong.
You may pay at the door or: $25.00