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Inspired and Public Speaking Monthly Circle

  • The Gathering Lighthouse (map)

Inspired and Public Speaking Monthly Circle with Medium Patty Horton

What is inspired speaking you ask? Inspired speaking is when you allow the flow of inspiration to pour from you as you stand before your audience and deliver it through the passion that has empowered the words.

It is through the inspiration from within that a beautiful part of you is revealed as empowerment becomes the platform that you will find yourselves standing upon. It is from this deep well of inspiration that you will touch the hearts of all who hear the words that you will speak. It is from an inspired perspective that the world will come to know you on a different level as inspiration becomes the leader of the band.

In this class you will have the opportunity to speak in front of the group as you are supported in a loving environment. This class will be geared towards getting you over your fears as you move towards the platform of public speaking. Patty will help to ignite the light within you as she assists you in moving towards the podium to take your rightful place upon the stage. She will teach you how to speak in a professional way yet allow the inspiration to be felt and heard.

Patty welcomes the professionals in the corporate world to the spiritual seekers looking to build a platform to stand upon as you all learn how inspiration and emotion go hand in hand when speaking before an audience.

Patty will teach you from a down to earth point of view as she leads all of you from an inspired perspective. You just never know when you may be called to speak before an audience and this class will prepare you for all of life’s amazing opportunities.

She welcomes those aspiring to be heard on a bigger stage to step forth and embrace your own abilities. She asks you each to allow yourselves to see how inspired and public speaking can empower yourselves and others.

What you will need for class· 

A journal to write in

The ability to work in a group setting

An open mind and a loving heart
