Hypnotic age regression is a phenomenon that exists when a person is hypnotized and receives a suggestion or instruction while hypnotized to recall an event from the past. Depending on the degree of relaxation or depth of hypnosis the person will recall this past event as though it were occurring now.
Anyone can achieve a successful regression, although each person may have a different experience. By understanding the phenomena of hypnosis and regression, you will have a better opportunity to regress well. There are a few guidelines that will assist you being regressed. By following these instructions, you will enjoy the experience of going back in time to relive your past as though it is existing now.
To explain to you what you will experience can be done, but it has many variables depending on your entry to the experience. It is best for you to have an open mind as to what you will experience when hypnotized and regressed. This will give you the optimum experience. By being open, you have a clear path to reach the subconscious mind. You might view the subconscious as a very sensitive component of your complete person. It is always protected by your logic. To be hypnotized well and regress, you will want to remove or put aside your logic. There is nothing logical about hypnosis or regressions and there is no value in using logic to define them. This process of being hypnotized is a delicate situation and some individuals will resist this entry to their subconscious mind.
This and much more information will be part of this discussion. Come learn from Larry Garrett and watch him demonstrate a regression.