TITLE: THE YONAGUNI PYRAMID - It's history and purpose.
Research has shown that pyramids have many purposes. In this presentation we will explore the origin and purpose of the Yonaguni Pyramid, and it's connection with other pyramids and geoglyphs around the world. The newly rediscovered ancient science of Geoglyphology opens new doors to the ways of the Ancients.
PRESENTER'S BIO; For the past 14 years, as an Investigative Historian, Arthur Faram has been researching the discoveries made possible by an ancient science known as Geoglyphology. The application of this ancient science shows that the ancients recorded the boundaries of the territory which they claimed as their own, as far back as 29,000 years ago. Arthur Faram through his previous careers as a computer analyst, and the CEO and founder of the first comprehensive background check company in the United States, is imminently qualified as a Historical Analyst. This presentation will leave you with answers to the age old question, "Was there ever an ancient worldwide civilization".