ABUNDANCE is YOUR birthright!
If you CLEAR the FEAR ANYTHING is POSSIBLE! When you don't have any FEAR you can accomplish your heart's desires easily and effortlessly. Join me while I facilitate this Energy Clearing and ABUNDANCE and PROSPERITY circle.
Here's the lineup in our hour together:1. I will be clearing energy for everyone including subconscious re-patterning for eliminating belief systems that no longer serve us. 2. A visualization/meditation to bring in our heart's desires 3. Use of the 528Mhz Tuning Pipe to raise our vibration to LOVE AND ABOVE. 4. A Particle Accelerator Enhancer to bring it in quicker better and faster!5. Discussion and questions at the end of intuitive messages I may have received.
Class Facilitator - Leslee Serdar ~ Since 2005, Leslee has been helping clients create lasting change and SUCCESS as a Life and Sales Coach, Author and Spiritual Teacher. She is a Subconscious Repatterning expert, a Life Coach Mentor who creates prosperous workplaces with her "Abundance Flow" techniques. Well known as a "spiritual roto-rooter", Leslee gets down to the "root cause" of an issue and is able to support others in moving past the emotional or mental blockage and not just survive but THRIVE in their lives