What would it take for me to ROCK MY WORLD in this next 100 days? Anything and everything that interferes with that I release, clear and uncreate! How can it get any better than that! What Else Is Possible????? Start date of will be June 10, 2017 and the end date of the 100 days will be September 18, 2017.
Are you magical? Is every day your are alive magical? Do you make your days magical? If they are not magical, why? You can make your days magical just by thinking about it. Think about that MAGIC!!! There will be a face book page that you can hang out on for the next 100 days and find out about the MAGIC. The MAGIC is You. Once you know that, you can be that! The face book page is called 100 Magical Days of Me.....Just like the title of the Class. Find, know, and be YOU in these next 100 days!!
Come to all four classes for $85 if you pay at the first class. Or come to each class and pay $25 per class. Each class is independent, so you do not have to be at all four classes to get the full potential of your magic. Also, we have the face book page that you can join/be accepted and discuss where to get your magic and how to get your magic and get supported in getting your magic every day of the 100 days. Let's manifest what we truly want in our life.
Please bring a journal to class.