Please join Trance Medium and Spiritual Teacher Patty Horton for this very exciting class on Energy. She will be teaching you some techniques on how to become more in-tune with the energy that is around and about you as she teaches you how to engage your feeling senses. It doesn’t stop there she will also give the class some tools to use so that you can become open to the gift of sight for yourselves and begin to see the energy field around others. This class will be taught from her own personal perspective and through her own personal experiences as she teaches you through the path of simplicity.
What is energy exactly?
You are energy, the chair you are sitting upon is energy, your words are energy, your thoughts are energy. Energy is in all things, living and non-living and it carries a vibration as it leaves an impression. Where ever you go and whatever you touch your energy is left behind for it has imprinted itself upon that particular experience and its essence has manifested itself into the form of a vibration.
Can you see energy you ask? Of course you can, energy is not invisible all though if you are not aware of how energy looks it may be harder for you to recognize it at this time. Patty wants you to understand that the energy of all living things vibrates and through their frequencies they create an energy field. This energy field manifests itself around the physical body or plant life where it becomes visible to the naked eye. This is what is referred to as the auric field or the energy body.
It is truly amazing when you can see the energy manifest itself around people or in nature and with every breath that is taken it moves and creates a wave of color. During your time, together each person will get the opportunity to experience energy from your own personal perspective as you are guided through some simple tools and techniques to learn from.
What we will be working during our time together
1. We will start the class by discussing energy and its components so that you have a better understanding of how energy works and how energy leaves its impressions upon all things, living and non-living.
2. We will get in tune with our own energy field through various techniques. We will approach this from a conscious state of being as well as use meditation to lead the way to create expansion.
3. We will be working together in small groups as we get the opportunity to glimpse the energy field of others along with feeling it.
4. Patty will also be sharing with you a very special tool to raise your own vibration that she learned about at the Omega Center during a Workshop in 2012. To find out what it is you will have to attend the class.
What you will need for Class
1. A journal to write within
2. An open mind and a loving heart
All levels of experience are welcome to the classroom as Patty will be teaching from an energetic standpoint. She wants to remind everyone that regardless of your own experience level each person who shares space together has the opportunity to learn from one another.
Rest assured that by the end of the day Patty will have shared a few techniques with you so that you too will have the tools to use to see, feel and experience energy for yourself. She is looking forward to spending the day with everyone as you have some fun together and raise the vibration of the room through energy.