Death Cafe Event Comes To Lombard
At a Death Café people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death. Death is a subject that is usually taboo in most places. In this setting all the questions surrounding death are raised. Experiences are shared and possibilities are discussed.
The Gathering Lighthouse will host Lombard’s first Death Cafe. A Death Cafe is an opportunity for people to come together and discuss death with no agenda, objective, or theme.
Perhaps you have had a visit from someone on the other side and have no where to discuss it. Maybe you died and came back or you have had a an unusual occurrence during the transition of a loved one? You may just want to hear of other's experiences with death. All questions and thoughts are welcome.
It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counselling session. To date there have been 5349 Death Cafes held around the world. Death Café was founded by English social activist, Jon Underwood.
Please bring a sweet to pass if you'd like and an open mind. We have referrals to Grief Counselors if necessary.