This Class is presented by: Larry Garrett..
“What you know is not what you feel, but what you feel controls your life!” Think of those words for a moment…… To move on from a tragic event we need to learn to communicate to our feelings, not our thoughts.
Life gives us many challenges every day. Some we can move on from and some we cannot. How do we determine what we can move on from and what do we need to hang on to? Almost everything within our thoughts will have two directions to go through.
At times it is difficult to recall what we had for dinner yesterday or where we placed our keys 20 minutes ago. However if we here a song which was significant at the age of 16 we can recall where we were, who we were with and even what we were wearing. We may even recall the time of day. How is this possible when it is often difficult to recall something recent? Because when we feel something the power of the emotions is so much more than the power of thoughts.
You may have a tragedy or a loss and you seem to not be able to get over it. It is because this type of feeling, not thought has created a deep memory like hearing the song from 16 years old. The song created feelings, not just thoughts.