Please join Patty for a bi-weekly Psychic & Fundamental Development Circle where we will vibe together as a group and grow together as a whole. During your time together Patty will take you each and every week into a Guided Group Meditation and connect you with your Spirit Guides and Teachers as we prepare ourselves for the work in class. Patty will tell you that meditation is key and a discipline she believes is important to each and every person as a way to develop a rapport with your Guides and Teachers in the Spirit World as you develop your own individual gifts. Each week we will cover different topics and do some different exercises as a way to connect you the tools that are available to you as you open up to the beauty within you.
This circle is for the Medium, the Healer, the Empath, the Intuitive and the Novice in you as this circle will represent your individuality. Please know that when you gather together as a group all levels of development are enhanced and amplified as we learn from one another and get the opportunity to practice our individual development in a safe and loving environment. There is no requirements to be a part of this circle all that is asked of you is that you come to class with an opened mind and a loving heart and understand that Spirit will take care of the rest. Please know that you all have a team of guides within the Spirit World waiting for the chance to work with you and this class is a great opportunity to open the door to your own personal development as you allow your gifts to blossom.
These classes will be expansive as we build upon our own developments as the week’s progress. I ask you to be kind, gentle and loving with yourselves as you grow within the group for there is no hurry and you will develop at your own pace. Be prepared to have fun and to make new friends as we share our experiences within this loving environment.
Please bring your journals and a pen to write with each week as journaling will become a part of your daily work for it is through the pen and onto the paper that the wisdom from within each of you will be revealed as you come into your own.
Sept. 15th & 29th Oct. 13th & 27th Nov. 3rd & 17th Dec 1st & 15th